Occupants Behavior Research Bibliography
“Green buildings, organizational success and occupant productivity”, Building Research and Information, vol. 28, pp. 353-367, 2000.
, “Green buildings-Reconciling technological change and occupant expectations”, Buildings, Culture and Environment: Informing Local and Global Practices, pp. 57-82, 2003.
, “Gender differences in thermal comfort and use of thermostats in everyday thermal environments”, Building and Environment, vol. 42, pp. 1594-1603, 2007.
, “A generalised stochastic model for the simulation of occupant presence”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 40, pp. 83-98, 2008.
, “A green autonomous self-sustaining sensor node for counting people in office environments”, Education and Research Conference (EDERC), 2012 5th European DSP. IEEE, pp. 203-207, 2012.
, , “Gap theory based analysis of user expectation and satisfaction: The case of a hostel building”, Building and Environment, vol. 69, pp. 183-193, 2013.
, “The gap between predicted and measured energy performance of buildings: A framework for investigation.”, Automation in Construction, vol. 41, pp. 40-49, 2014.
, “A generalized probabilistic formula relating occupant behavior to environmental conditions”, Building and Environment, vol. 95, pp. 53–62, 2016.
, “A generalized probabilistic formula relating occupant behavior to environmental conditions”, Building and Environment, vol. 95, pp. 53-62, 2016.