Occupants Behavior Research Bibliography
“Occupant behavior and successful energy conservation: Findings and implications of behavioral monitoring”, ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings, Human dimensions. 1990.
, “Characteristics, design implicaitons, and applicability of passive solar heating-systems for buildings ”, Solar Energy, vol. 47, pp. 425-435, 1991.
, “Quantifying occupant energy behavior using pattern analysis techniques”, pp. 47-59, 1991.
, “Residential energy usage and the influence of cooupant behavior”, ASME Winter annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1993.
, “Assessing beliefs about lighting effects on health, performance, mood, and social behavior”, Environment and Behavior, vol. 28, pp. 446-470, 1996.
, “European indoor air quality audit project in 56 office buildings”, Indoor Air-International Journal of Indoor Air Quality and ClimateIndoor Air-International Journal of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, vol. 6, pp. 221-238, 1996.
, “Occupants influence on the energy consumption of Danish domestic buildings - State of the art”, 2000.
, “Smart occupancy sensors to reduce energy consumption”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 32, pp. 81-87, 2000.
, “An energy-efficient controller for shading devices self-adapting to the user wishes”, Building and Environment, vol. 37, pp. 1091-1097, 2002.
, “Design of low energy office buildings”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 35, pp. 473-491, 2003.
, “Predicted versus observed heat consumption of a low energy multifamily complex in Switzerland based on long-term experimental data”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 36, pp. 543-555, 2004.
, “Building occupancy detection through sensor belief networks”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 38, pp. 1033-1043, 2006.
, “Occupant preferences and satisfaction with the luminous environment and control systems in daylit offices: a literature review”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 38, pp. 728-742, 2006.
, “Energy saving lighting control systems for open-plan offices: A field study”, Leukos, vol. 4, pp. 7-29, 2007.
, “Thermal comfort and workplace occupant satisfaction—Results of field studies in German low energy office buildings”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 39, pp. 758-769, 2007.
, “Thermal comfort and workplace occupant satisfaction—Results of field studies in German low energy office buildings”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 39, pp. 758-769, 2007.
, “Environmental efficiency in residential buildings – A simplified communication approach”, Building and Environment, vol. 44, pp. 937-947, 2009.
, “The dark side of occupants’ behaviour on building energy use”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 42, pp. 173-177, 2010.
, “Occupants' behaviour: determinants and effects on residential heating consumption”, Building Research & Information, vol. 38, pp. 318-338, 2010.
, “The performance of occupancy-based lighting control systems: A review”, Lighting Research & Technology, vol. 42, pp. 415-431, 2010.
, “Residential heat comfort practices: understanding users”, Building Research & InformationBuilding Research & Information, vol. 38, pp. 175-186, 2010.
, “Households' energy use - Which is the more important: efficient technologies or user practices?”, pp. 992-999, 2011.
, “Measured energy and water performance of an aspiring low energy/carbon affordable housing site in the UK”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 43, pp. 117-125, 2011.
, “Post-occupancy evaluation and experimental feedback of a net zero-energy building in a tropical climate”, Architectural Science Review, vol. 55, pp. 156-168, 2012.
, “Quantitative relationships between occupant satisfaction and satisfaction aspects of indoor environmental quality and building design”, Indoor Air, vol. 22, pp. 119-131, 2012.
, “Bed occupancy measurements using under mattress pressure sensors for long term monitoring of community-dwelling older adults”, Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings (MeMeA), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on. pp. 130-134, 2013.
, “Bed occupancy measurements using under mattress pressure sensors for long term monitoring of community-dwelling older adults”, Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings (MeMeA), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on. pp. 130-134, 2013.
, “A critical review of observation studies, modeling, and simulation of adaptive occupant behaviors in offices”, Building and Environment, vol. 70, pp. 31-47, 2013.
, “Do "green' buildings have better indoor environments? New evidence”, Building Research and Information, vol. 41, pp. 415-434, 2013.
, “Do "green' buildings have better indoor environments? New evidence”, Building Research and Information, vol. 41, pp. 415-434, 2013.
, “Exergy and energy analysis of a ground-source heat pump for domestic water heating under simulated occupancy conditions”, International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 36, pp. 1417-1430, 2013.
, “Long-term occupancy analysis using graph-based optimisation in thermal imagery”, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013 IEEE Conference on. Portland, OR, pp. 3698-3705, 2013.
, “Modeling thermal comfort holistically: Bayesian estimation of thermal sensation, acceptability, and preference distributions for office building occupants”, Building and Environment, vol. 69, 2013.
, “Occupancy-based zone-climate control for energy-efficient buildings: Complexity vs. performance”, Applied Energy, vol. 106, pp. 209-221, 2013.
, “Road occupancy prediction of traffic participants”, Intelligent Transportation Systems - (ITSC), 2013 16th International IEEE Conference on. pp. 99-105, 2013.
, “Targeting ‘behavers’ rather than behaviours: A ‘subject-oriented’ approach for reducing space heating rebound effects in low energy dwellings”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 67, pp. 596-607, 2013.
, “On adaptive occupant-learning window blind and lighting controls”, Building Research & Information, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 739-756, 2014.
, “BizWatts: A modular socio-technical energy management system for empowering commercial building occupants to conserve energy”, Applied Energy, vol. 136, pp. 1076–1084, 2014.
, “The contextual factors contributing to occupants' adaptive comfort behaviors in offices–A review and proposed modeling framework”, Building and Environment, vol. 77, pp. 77-87, 2014.
, “Coupling stochastic occupant models to building performance simulation using the discrete event system specification formalism”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, vol. 7, pp. 457-478, 2014.
, “Coupling stochastic occupant models to building performance simulation using the discrete event system specification formalism”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, vol. 7, pp. 457-478, 2014.
, “Effects of real-time eco-feedback and organizational network dynamics on energy efficient behavior in commercial buildings”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 84, pp. 493-500, 2014.
, “A framework for targeting household energy savings through habitual behavioral change.”, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 2014.
, “Human-Building Interaction Framework for Personalized Thermal Comfort Driven Systems in Office Buildings”, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Special Issue: Computational Approaches to Understand and Reduce Energy Consumption in the Built Environment, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 2-16, 2014.
, “The impact of combined water and energy consumption eco-feedback on conservation”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 80, pp. 114-119, 2014.
, “A Knowledge Based Approach for Selecting Energy- Aware and Comfort-Driven HVAC Temperature Set Points”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, vol. 85, pp. 536-548, 2014.
, “A method for the identification and modelling of realistic domestic occupancy sequences for building energy demand simulations and peer comparison.”, Building and Environment, vol. 75, pp. 67-78, 2014.
, “Network eco-informatics: Development of a social eco-feedback system to drive energy efficiency in residential buildings”, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 89-98, 2014.
, “Network eco-informatics: Development of a social eco-feedback system to drive energy efficiency in residential buildings”, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 28, pp. 89-98, 2014.
, “Stochastic modeling of overtime occupancy and its application in building energy simulation and calibration”, Building and Environment, vol. 79, pp. 1-12, 2014.
, “Three unobtrusive domestic occupancy measurement technologies under qualitative review”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 69, pp. 507-514, 2014.
, “Uncertainty analysis of user behavior and physical parameters in residential building performance simulation”, ENERG BUILDINGS , vol. 76, pp. 381-391, 2014.
, “Default Conditions: A Reason for Design to Integrate Human Factors ”, The First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (ISSHBE). Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2015.
, “Immersive Virtual Environments, Understanding the Impact of Design Features and Occupant Choice upon Lighting for Building Performance”, Journal of Building and Environment, vol. 89, pp. 217-228, 2015.
, “Immersive Virtual Environments versus Physical Built Environments: A Benchmarking Study for Building Design and User-Built Environment Explorations”, Automation in Construction, vol. 54, pp. 116-126, 2015.
, “Investigation and analyses of residential heating in the HSCW climate zone of China: Status quo and key features”, Building and Environment, vol. 94, pp. 532-542, 2015.
, “On modelling and simulation of occupant models”, in Building Simulation Conference, Hyderabad, India, 2015.
, “Occupant behavior modeling for building performance simulation: Current state and future challenges”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 107, pp. 264–278, 2015.
, “An Online Learning Approach for Quantifying Personalized Thermal Comfort via Adaptive Stochastic Modeling”, Journal of Building and Environment, vol. 92, pp. 86-96, 2015.
, “Quantifying the human-building interaction: Considering the active, adaptive occupant in building performance simulation”, Energy and Buildings, 2015.
, “Segmentation and Classification of Commercial Building Occupants by Energy-Use Efficiency and Predictability”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, 3 vol. pp. 1414-1424, 2015.
, “Simulating the human-building interaction: Development and validation of an agent-based model of office occupant behaviors.”, BUILD ENVIRON , 2015.
, “Tracking the human-building interaction: Findings from a longitudinal field study of occupant behavior in air-conditioned offices”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 42, 2015.
, “Understanding high performance buildings: The link between occupant knowledge of passive design systems, corresponding behaviors, occupant comfort and environmental satisfaction. ”, BUILD ENVIRON, vol. 84, pp. 114-124, 2015.
, “Using physical, behavioral, and demographic variables to explain
suite-level energy use in multiresidential buildings”, Building and Environment, vol. 89, pp. 308-317, 2015.
, suite-level energy use in multiresidential buildings”, Building and Environment, vol. 89, pp. 308-317, 2015.
“Using physical, behavioral, and demographic variables to explain
suite-level energy use in multiresidential buildings”, Building and Environment, vol. 89, pp. 308-317, 2015.
, suite-level energy use in multiresidential buildings”, Building and Environment, vol. 89, pp. 308-317, 2015.
“International survey on current occupant modelling approaches in building performance simulation”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, pp. 1-19, 2016.
, “International survey on current occupant modelling approaches in building performance simulation”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, pp. 1-19, 2016.
, “Occupancy Patterns Scoping Review Project”, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, University of Southampton, 2016.
, “Occupant behavior in building energy simulation: towards a fit-for-purpose modeling strategy”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 121, pp. 188-204, 2016.
, “A preliminary study of representing the inter-occupant diversity in occupant modelling”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, pp. 1-18, 2016.
, “On the sensitivity to different aspects of occupant behaviour for selecting the appropriate modelling complexity in building performance predictions”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, pp. 1-11, 2016.
, “Urban residential heating in hot summer and cold winter zones of China—Status, modeling, and scenarios to 2030”, Energy Policy, vol. 92, pp. 158-170, 2016.
, “Cluster analysis for occupant-behavior based electricity load patterns in buildings: A case study in Shanghai residences”, Building Simulation, pp. 1-10, 2017.
, “Harnessing buildings’ operational diversity in a computational framework for high-resolution urban energy modeling”, Building Simulation, pp. 1-17, 2017.
, “Investigation and modelling of the centralized solar domestic hot water system in residential buildings”, Building Simulation, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 87-96, 2017.
, “Lighting energy consumption in ultra-low energy buildings: Using a simulation and measurement methodology to model occupant behavior and lighting controls”, Building Simulation, pp. 1-12, 2017.
, “On occupant-centric building performance metrics”, Building and Environment, 2017.
, “A survey on energy consumption and energy usage behavior of households and residential building in urban China”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 148, pp. 366-378, 2017.