Occupants Behavior Research Bibliography
“Occupant effects on energy performace of monitored houses”, Proceedings of the 10th Naional passive solar conference. pp. 395-400, 1985.
, “Occupant behavior and successful energy conservation: Findings and implications of behavioral monitoring”, ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings, Human dimensions. 1990.
, “Occupant movement and the thermal modelling of buildings”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 18, pp. 57-64, 1992.
, “Occupant use of manual lighting controls in private offices”, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, vol. 28, pp. 42-56, 1999.
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“Occupant control of passive systems: the use of Venetian blinds”, Building and Environment, vol. 36, pp. 149-155, 2001.
, “Occupancy and behavioral affects on residential energy use”, Proceedings of the Solar Conference. American solar energy society; American institute of architects , pp. 717-722, 2003.
, “Occupants’ behavior and activity patterns influencing the energy consumption in the Kuwaiti residences”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 35, pp. 549-559, 2003.
, “Operable windows, personal control, and occupant comfort”, ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 110, 2004.
, “Occupancy density and benefits of demand-controlled ventilation in Norwegian primary schools”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 37, pp. 1234-1240, 2005.
, “Occupant preferences and satisfaction with the luminous environment and control systems in daylit offices: a literature review”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 38, pp. 728-742, 2006.
, “Occupancy grid mapping: An empirical evaluation”, 2007. MED'07. Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation. IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2007.
, “Occupants' operation of lighting and shading systems in office buildings”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, vol. 1, pp. 57-65, 2008.
, “Occupancy detection through an extensive environmental sensor network in an open-plan office building.”, in IBPSA Building Simulation, 2009, pp. 1452-1459.
, “Occupant behavior in naturally ventilated and hybrid buildings”, ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 115, pp. 16-27, 2009.
, “Occupant satisfaction in mixed-mode buildings”, Building Research and Information, vol. 37, pp. 369-380, 2009.
, “Occupants' behaviour: determinants and effects on residential heating consumption”, Building Research & Information, vol. 38, pp. 318-338, 2010.
, “Occupant perceptions of an indoor thermal environment in a naturally ventilated building”, ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 118, 2012.
, , “Occupants' window opening behaviour: A literature review of factors influencing occupant behaviour and models”, Building and Environment, vol. 58, pp. 188-198, 2012.
, “Occupancy grid mapping with Markov Chain Monte Carlo Gibbs sampling”, Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. pp. 3183-3189, 2013.
, “Occupancy mapping and surface reconstruction using local gaussian processes with kinect sensors”, Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 43, pp. 1335-1346, 2013.
, “Occupancy prediction algorithms for thermostat control systems using mobile devices”, Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 4, pp. 1332-1340, 2013.
, “Occupancy-based zone-climate control for energy-efficient buildings: Complexity vs. performance”, Applied Energy, vol. 106, pp. 209-221, 2013.
, “Occupancy-moderated zonal space-conditioning under a demand-driven electricity price”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 60, pp. 453-463, 2013.
, “Occupant behavior: Impact on energy use of private offices”, LBNL-6128E, 2013.
, “Occupant requirements in residential buildings: an empirical study and a theoretical model”, Advances in Building Energy Research, vol. 7, pp. 35-50, 2013.
, “Online Learning for Personalized Room-Level Thermal Control: A Multi-Armed Bandit Framework”, in 5th ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Rome, Italy, 2013.
, “Optimal stochastic control for parking systems: occupancy-driven parking pricing”, Decision and Control (CDC), 2013 IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on. pp. 7771-7776, 2013.
, “Occupant behavior and schedule modeling for building energy simulation through office appliance power consumption data mining”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 82, pp. 341-355, 2014.
, “Occupant Behavior in Building Design and Operation”, in Proceedings of HK Joint Symposium, 2014.
, “Occupancy schedules learning process through a data mining framework”, Building and Environment, vol. 88, pp. 395–408, 2015.
, “Occupant behavior modeling for building performance simulation: Current state and future challenges”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 107, pp. 264–278, 2015.
, “Occupant behaviour simulation for cellular offices in early design stages—Architectural and modelling considerations”, Building Simulation, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 211-224, 2015.
, “Occupant individual thermal comfort data analysis in an office”, First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems. Pittsburgh PA, pp. 108-116, 2015.
, “Occupant-oriented mixed-mode EnergyPlus predictive control simulation”, Energy and Buildings, SI: Advances in BEM and Sim, 2015.
, “An Online Learning Approach for Quantifying Personalized Thermal Comfort via Adaptive Stochastic Modeling”, Journal of Building and Environment, vol. 92, pp. 86-96, 2015.
, “An ontology to represent energy-related occupant behavior in buildings. Part I: Introduction to the DNAs framework”, Building and Environment, vol. 92, 2015.
, “An ontology to represent energy-related occupant behavior in buildings. Part II: Implementation of the DNAS framework using an XML schema”, Building and Environment, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 196–205, 2015.
, “Occupancy data analytics and prediction: a case study”, Building and Environment, vol. 102, pp. 179-192, 2016.
, “Occupancy Patterns Scoping Review Project”, Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, University of Southampton, 2016.
, “Occupant behavior in building energy simulation: towards a fit-for-purpose modeling strategy”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 121, pp. 188-204, 2016.
, “Occupant behavior lifestyles in a residential nearly zero energy building: Effect on energy use and thermal comfort”, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 960-975, 2016.
, “An occupant behavior modeling tool for co-simulation”, Energy and Buildings, vol. 117, pp. 272-281, 2016.
, “Optimizing the performance of energy-intensive commercial buildings: Occupancy-focused data collection and analysis approach”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 30, no. 5, p. C4015002, 2016.
, “Occupant behavior models: A critical review of implementation and representation approaches in building performance simulation programs”, Building Simulation, pp. 1-14, 2017.
, “Occupant behaviour modelling in domestic buildings: the case of household electrical appliances”, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, pp. 1-19, 2017.
, “On occupant-centric building performance metrics”, Building and Environment, 2017.